KUCHING – About 30 young students of Taska Angel recently learned about solid waste management and recycling through Trienekens (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd.’s Wise Up to Waste educational programme.
CLEANER ENVIRONMENT…Students and teachers of Taska Angel taking a picture with Trienekens’ CSR Department Manager, Janet Balong (standing far right) and Corporate Communications Executive, Anthea Lee (standing far left) along with Principal Ekaterina Kolushkina (front far left).
According to Trienekens’ Group Senior Manager for Corporate Affairs, Katherine Kong, the company is fully supportive of efforts by educational centers to introduce environmental education at an early age and to provide the children with the opportunity to acquire knowledge, awareness and skills in environmental protection.
“We believe that early introduction to environmental education, particularly related to proper management and segregation of solid waste, is essential in nurturing and shaping the attitudes and behaviors of our younger generation into becoming environmentally responsible adults,” said Kong.
Aged between 2 to 4 years old, the students learned about the impacts of waste on the environment, as well as day-to-day waste collection process carried out by Trienekens and experimented with waste separation by identifying the various types of wastes which can be recycled.
“The talk by Trienekens was indeed a valuable session for the children and we hope with increased awareness including among teachers and parents, we can manage our waste better and ultimately, start a recycling programme at our school,” said Taska Angel’s principal Ekaterina Kolushkina.
The Wise Up to Waste and recycling awareness programme is an instrumental part of Trienekens’ CSR initiatives which focuses on environmental education providing a platform for schools to learn about solid waste management and recycling in an interactive manner through games and role plays, bringing real life experiences into the classrooms. It also teaches students to appreciate the environment’s well-being by maintaining cleanliness in all places at all times while refraining from indiscriminate littering or dumping of wastes.