
Green Synergy

Plastic Free July
Every year, participants from over 190 countries worldwide get together to raise awareness and protect the planet from plastic pollution. We can turn the tide by cutting down on single-use plastic every day, embracing sustainable habits such as #BYO (bring your own) shopping bags and using reusable bottles, straws and …
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Waste and Recycling Workers
Join us in honouring our Waste and Recycling Workers! 🌟 Let’s take a moment to appreciate the unsung heroes who keep our city clean, our environment green and our communities thriving every day. Thank you for all that you do! 🙌♻️ Click here to meet some of our team.

World Environment Day
2024 World Environment Day\’s (#WED2024) theme is “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” Lets do our part by doing whatever we can to restore our precious land and natural resources. Practise the 3 Rs: consume only what we need, and keep our forests, rivers and seas free from waste. …
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Labour Day
Happy Labour Day from our team to yours! Watch the full video here.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work
The theme for World Day for Safety and Health at Work for 2024 focuses on the safety and health of workers in a changing climate. Annually, an estimate of 2.4 billion workers are exposed to excessive heat*. On this day, we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the safety and health …
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