Kuching – SK Taba Sait’s recycling at school programme, took another significant step forward recently with the organising of its second Recycling Awareness Day event jointly carried out by Trienekens (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. and Padawan Municipal Council (MPP). The event, held at Bengoh Resettlement Scheme (BRS) was graced by MPP Chairman YB Cr. Ir. Lo Khere Chiang and attended by parents as well as community leaders from the area.
RECYCLING AT SCHOOL…YB Lo (7th right) and Kong (6th right) with winners of the most collected recyclables contest and MPP councillors as well as BRS community leaders.
In his speech, YB Lo explained that waste management is an important agenda in the council’s meetings and it will continue to raise awareness about the issue.
“As the population grows coupled with increasing economic development and consumption, the waste volume is also in the rise. We need to continuously look into the ways how we can achieve and maintain a satisfactory level of cleanliness including higher recycling rate,” said Lo. “Mind and habits need to change starting from adults while our children are taught and encouraged to do the same at home and schools. I urge all parents and residents to be actively involved in any cleanliness and recycling programmes in their neighbourhood so we can mutually benefit from clean and healthy environment.”
ECO WARRIOR…YB Lo presenting a prize hamper to one of the eco fashion contest winner as Kong looks on.
Trienekens’ Senior Manager for Corporate Affairs, Katherine Kong explained that the joint recycling programme with MPP in SK Taba Sait was introduced to educate students about the 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) concept and best practices in solid waste management. Since its inception in 2017, the school with a population of 80 students has successfully collected about 163kg of recyclables comprising of used papers, plastics and aluminium.
“Raising awareness about the importance of environmental preservation through proper management and disposal of solid waste is something that we take seriously and we are pleased to work together with the Council and school,” said Kong. “We want to play a part in educating the future generation about recycling, waste management and environmental impacts. Over time, we hope that recycling can become a part of our lifestyle towards sustainable, clean and healthy living.”
The year-long programme engaged both students and staff to practice segregating their school waste from the point-of-generation supported by a fixed collection schedule carried out by Trienekens. SK Taba Sait is one of several schools under the Council’s jurisdiction to adopt the recycling programme due its on-going commitment towards becoming a green school.
In addition to that, Trienekens and MPP also organised additional environment-themed educational activities such as ‘Wise Up to Waste’ awareness talk, Amazing Green Race game, inter-class most collected recyclables contest, colouring, poster design and eco-fashion competitions as well as other green initiatives for the school.
At the event, Lo and Kong also presented prizes to the contest winners. Present as well were the Standing Committee for Public Health, Environmental & Health Services Chairman, Councillor Ahkim ak Sarok.